Mr. Drazen Caric and his team professionally accompanied and supported with their experience the Association Central Area Carinthia Plus with their idea - to bring together innovative thinking employees from the central area municipalities and to develop projects together. The results have already been positively implemented in the central cities and communities.

Innovation event, support for talented pupils/students in professional development and with innovative approaches

I've really enjoyed your Seminar. You knew instinctively when to intervene and when you can allow discussions to take place.

Workshops, support in the innovation process, search for solutions to difficult problems

I am once again convinced that Dražen is the experienced professional to engage for difficult assignments. At the end of the day, his creativity, efficiency and goal oriented approach has made it again possible to achieve the solution in the frame that we are looking for.

I am impressed. The method is useful and the results are very good. You were very well prepared and were leading us highly professionally and humane.

Lectures, workshops, support for strategic innovation orientation

Development of innovation teams, innovation culture and support of innovation projects, workshops

Lectures, partnership, structuring work on innovations

I am very delighted over the success of our first NAWI-day. Thank you for your efficient support! (July 2007); Thank you very much for the clear protocol and a good collaboration! (July 2008.)

Workshops, trainings/seminars, strengthening the innovative power and innovation culture, strategic innovation projects, project support, consulting

The workshop with Dražen was very good and very interesting. I received very good feedback from the Players and it enabled us to make a very good team building experience. The communication with the players was very open and constructive enabling a good basis for the future communication between all the players and coaches.

Your support helped us a lot with structuring of our projects and setting focus to the core development topics.

Ich finde es einfach toll! Ich habe schon einiges umgesetzt. Jetzt sehe ich mein Geschäft im neuen Licht!

In my opinion this seminar has been highly practical oriented and was immediately applicable compared to other seminars. I find that this is the quickest and the best way in learning.

… Synectics supports me in following new ways of thinking and offers me structural and mental help in developing projects…

Thank you once again for the seminar. I liked it a lot, especially because of your competent guidance.

Your leading of the course was excellent. You guided us with a lot of freedom to explore and finally brought us to the stage of concrete high performance.

The seminar was definitely one of the best I have ever attended till now (including those during my military training and career). Even though at some point I found that it was rather challenging for my mind, you made it fun and have created it in an interesting way.

Workshops, motivation, promotion and support for young entrepreneurs

Dražen, this was a really cool innovation lecture.

Lectures, Different Thinking in business, partnership

Innovation knowledge transfer, optimization of innovation processes

Innovation knowledge transfer, cooperation in the Open Innovation area and on the innovation portal, optimization of innovation processes

For me as a “realist“, enormous creative potential could (surprisingly) be initiated due to this Synectic workshop… The results are contributing to strong consideration for the development of the new service offerings.

Innovation-trainings, project management, innovation knowledge transfer

Great process and also a great facilitation of this challenging meeting!

Persistence, perseverance of Dražen during the project was very positive (and necessary for the process); also mind-setting/enthusiasm, facilitating, procedure.

“The assessment was very well organized and gave us a solid basis to define best issues to work on. The tool gives a nice overview, the steps we went through were well structured and make sense – so, we could focus on the most important things.”

Innovation knowledge transfer, facilitation, cooperation in the innovation and development process