Reach for Breakthrough!

First, let’s make it clear what we mean by breakthrough.

Through the support of innovation, we will clearly break through the boundaries of the existing products, services, working methods, etc. Breakthrough innovation can also fundamentally change the dynamic of a given industry, market or organisation.

One goal would be to generate a new product or business direction that has a strong advantage (and therefore a high profit potential) over the competition. The added benefit: this can lead to significant changes in customer behavior and bring an even greater advantage to the company that “owns the innovation”.

But do we absolutely need a certain “breakthrough idea or invention” to achieve the breakthrough?

No, the end result counts and achieves the effect. The end result is a product (or the service) itself or the entire environment, such as marketing & communication, packaging, customer relationships and service, and even the long-term innovation strategy.

We generate a breakthrough for our customers in several areas:

A) We support customers to create breakthrough products or services

We use various tools, such as Shaping Future©, Blue Ocean Strategy, Synectics or certain elements from TRIZ.

B) We enable the customer organization to work in a breakthrough way

We first check the status in the organization and then define a long-term innovation strategy. We use InnoWINg© as a tool, mainly taking into account the Innovation Excellence Pyramid©.

C) We solve “unsolvable” problems

Our customers often do not know how to deal with very challenging topics or previous attempts have yielded inadequate results. We also have very specific approaches and innovation instruments for this.

The tools we use bring your projects to maximum results with minimal risk. Our Innovation Risik Management Tool is our valuable companion in such projects, because one thing is clear: groundbreaking projects are often associated with higher risks. Therefore, companies should have a certain willingness to take risks.

Our passion is to achieve a breakthrough and to find the best solutions for seemingly unsolvable problems. Try us!

For me as a “realist“, enormous creative potential could (surprisingly) be initiated due to this Synectic workshop… The results are contributing to strong consideration for the development of the new service offerings.

Persistence, perseverance of Drazen during the project was very positive (and necessary for the process); also mind-setting/enthusiasm, facilitating, procedure.
(team feedback; PHILIPS DAP)

As part of a creative seminar with Drazen Caric, I was able to get to know the “Synectic” method and develop enthusiasm for its application. As a creative person, I know that ideas don’t just bubble out when we’re looking for solutions to problems, but that they usually come spontaneously. Inspiration sometimes happens through imagination, but also through new impulses that come from outside. Synectics supports me in following new ways of thinking and offers me structural and mental help in developing projects. This method is particularly suitable for generating several ideas at the same time and for overcoming the inner critic. According to the principle: “Make the foreign familiar and alienate the familiar”, surprising solutions and ideas emerge which I was able to successfully implement in practice and which contributed to the success.
(Anna Moser, Head of the project GENIAL, Department 6 / Competence Center Education, Generations and Culture; GOVERNMENT OF CARINTHIA)

I find it excellent! I have already implemented several things. Now I see my business in a new light!
(Franz Tomažič, Head ofILAB CROSSMEDIA)

I am once again convinced that Dražen is the experienced professional to engage for difficult assignments. At the end of the day, his creativity, efficiency and goal oriented approach has made it again possible to achieve the solution in the frame that we are looking for.
(Volkmar Fussi, CO/owner of the advertising agency FUSSI)

500,000 million Euros result @ Magna Auteca - combined strategy using various methods
Magna Auteca after the Synectic workshop
Breakthrough @ Philips with the first vacuum beard trimmer - clean beard cutting without polluting the environment